Ruby Tuesday

New Hire

Welcome to the Team

Get Help Choosing Your Benefits:

Important Dates

  • You have 30 days from your date of hire to enroll in benefits.
  • Your benefits are effective on the 1st of the month following employment.

Go Enroll in Benefits

After Enrolling

After you complete enrollment, you will be asked to enter PIN/password in order to lock in your elections. Then you can print or view an enrollment confirmation to make sure all is correct,

As you review your Confirmation Statement, here are some helpful questions to ask yourself:

  1. Did I elect coverage in all of the benefits I wanted to elect?
  2. Did I ensure that my dependents are properly covered in each benefit?
  3. Did I enter the correct names, birthdays, and Social Security Numbers?
  4. Did I check my premium totals for accuracy and comfort level?