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Resources for Living

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Lincoln Employee Assistance Program

EmployeeConnect offers professional, confidential services to help you and your loved ones improve your quality of life.

In-Person Guidance

Some matters are best resolved by meeting with a professional in person. With EmployeeConnect, you and your family get:

  • In-person help for short-term issues (up to five sessions with a counselor per person, per issue, per year)

Unlimited 24/7 Assistance

You and your family can access the following services anytime - online, on the mobile app, or with a toll-free call:

  • Information and referrals on family matters, such as child and elder care, pet care, vacation, planning, moving, car buying, college planning, and more

Online Resources

EmployeeConnect offers a wide range of information and resources you can access on your own. Expert advice and support tools are just a click away when you visit or download the GuidanceNow mobile app. You'll find:

  • Articles and tutorials
  • Videos